General instructions

General instructions

  • Do not exercise with a full stomach, so do not eat yourself full in the last four hours prior to the exercises, however drinking is permitted.
  • Do the exercises without stopping. If you feel tired, walk on the spot for a while, but do not sit or lie down.
  • It is best to wear an appropriate sport outfit, preferably made from cotton. Be sure to wear warm trousers and socks.
  • Never take a shower or a bath after the exercises, not even in the summer. The internal heat of the body reached by the exercises has to be preserved for at least 36 hours. The inner body heat is neutralized by water. The usage of bathing gloves or terry cloth towels is recommended instead; soak the glove or the towel with hot water and refresh your skin with it.
  • Always put on warm clothes after finishing the exercises and relax.
  • Never combine the movements of this method with other daily activities, or with exercises of another method.
  • The exercises have a stimulating effect so never do them before sleep.
  • The exercises decrease appetite after a couple of days thus are good for loosing weight.
  • If you have back and waist issues, make sure to do all exercises without sudden moves, hopping or shuffles.
  • Drink plenty of hot drinks and go to bed early. 
  • Women learning and teaching the Method can prove its efficiency on the basis of their own experience.
  • It is a common misunderstanding that menstruation can be induced by heavy physical exertion. In fact, the opposite of it is true – it can even make you miss your period. Constant and enduring physical effort (e.g. professional sport) generally contributes to a hormone imbalance and thus decreases sexual quality. 
  • Nature has its own specific rules. Thus these exercises will not induce menstruation in little girls or old women.
  • A healthy woman will menstruate only once a month even if she does the exercises on a daily basis.
  • We do not have the power to change our vital processes, but we do have the power to control them. Always keep track of your periods and if it appears to be missing, start doing the exercises the very morning it should have started. Whether you have used a contraceptive method or not you have to regain control over your body. If menstruation is missing on the first day of the period and you don’t want to keep the baby, do the exercises. You will notice the effects in 24 hours.